How To Conduct a Virtual Book Tour and Reach Millions of Readers for Free (Photographer: Miguel Henriques | Source: Unsplash)

How to Conduct a Virtual Book Tour or How to Promote Your Book for Free (Article 2)

In this 2nd Article, How to Conduct a Virtual Book Tour you're going to learn the types of tours you can arrange and discover How to Promote Your Book for Free

This Article could easily be re-titled to read: How to Conduct a Virtual Book Tour and Reach Millions of Readers For Free - All from the Comfort of Your Living Room

You can read the First Article in this series here: How to Conduct a Virtual Book Tour or How to Promote Your Book for Free

As I've already outlined, there are a number benefits to learning how to conduct a Virtual Book Tour. So this article will focus on the different types of tours you'll want to consider. Each Virtual Book Tour is designed to accomplish a slightly different end goal within a different time-frame. You can easily create your own virtual tour to meet your individual lifestyle, needs and time-frames. I encourage you to experiment and come up with your own method to promote your book for free.

How to Conduct a Virtual Book Tour - Types of Tours

1. Traditional Virtual Book Tour

Virtual Book Tours done in the traditional manner tend to be short term…lasting from one to three weeks, with a different tour stop each day. You want to provide each of your tour hosts with original content. The benefit? You can promote your tour (your blog posts) even after it is over. Now to the next step : How to Conduct a Virtual Book Tour...

2. Extended Virtual Book Tour

An extended Virtual Book Tour can last several months with tour stops scheduled every day or several days a week.Be prepared to post a series of articles on each of the blogs you visit. Typically you would need to plan to visit one blog a week and post anywhere from three to five posts on each blog. Your goal is to establish yourself as an expert in your niche, (for nonfiction writers). Your aim is continuous exposure, so mix it up a bit…. You can conduct podcast interviews, radio spot interviews, craft social media posts, and post a blog a week on an ongoing basis.

3. Blast-Off Tour

A blastoff tour is generally a short tour that tends to last between one to five days. It is designed to help you increase your book sales and boost your Amazon ranking in a short period of time. You will post on numerous blogs at once as well as appear in multiple podcast and radio show interviews each day. This can be rigorous and demanding, however, if you plan your content well in advance, it can be very rewarding, as well.

4. Social Media Tour

A Social Media tour is just that !…This entire tour is designed around social media or a mix of social media appearances including Twitter chats, Facebook Live, discussions on pages, groups and profiles, Google Plus hangouts, and even Live Casts. This type of tour typically works well for an author that has already established a strong social media presence. If you don’t have one, choose Tour Hosts that already have a strong following.

5. Combined Virtual Book Tour/Best Selling Book Launch Campaign

Here's another "HOW TO conduct a virtual book tour approach". Simply coincide your well organized virtual book tour with your Best Selling Amazon book launch. Doing so can result in a large number of sales in a short period of time.

Here’s How to Create a Combined Virtual Book Tour with Your Best Seller Book Launch:

First, You’ll want to invite a group of partners, with each agreeing to donate an item of value - some good examples include: A free video training course, a free report or ebook, or even a podcast interview. Each of these partners must agree to send an email to their mailing list on the same day with the invitation to purchase your book on Amazon on your specified launch day. (It’s best to draft a series of 3 emails for your partners to send, sequentially. These emails will send them to a special landing page with your Amazon buy button and instructions to enter their Amazon receipt number .) Upon doing so, they will receive all the free bonuses you and your partners have contributed.

Set up properly, your partners benefit, because your book buyers will contact them to take advantage of their contribution…and you benefit from more book sales AND additional exposure to your partners’ lists.

Avoid overwhelm by being well-prepared, well in advance. This technique works best for Non-Fiction Books…however, you’ll want to be creative with your Virtual Book Tour and build it to suit your situation and your personality.

What a successful Virtual Book Tour can do for you:

  • You can share highlights of your book with potential book buyers- They get to review excerpts, even chapters of your book.
  • Non-fiction writers can easily advance your authority and highlight your expertise by posting your content across a broad spectrum of websites and social media platforms
  • You’ll get people talking about your book and sharing!
  • Book reviews by your tour hosts, provides even more exposure, and builds your reputation.
  • You’ll benefit from “implied endorsement” … from the established experts hosting you on their blog, podcast, radio shows, livecasts and on their social media platforms.
  • More exposure…more potential readers
  • Your posts, videos, interviews, etc. will bring more traffic as time goes on, as they remain online indefinitely.
  • You’ll begin to build strong long-lasting relationships with other experts, leading to more opportunities.
  • Done well, you’ll reach best selling status on Amazon.

Your Free Virtual Book Tour Checklist is Free: Pick it up now!

Pick Up Your Free Virtual Book Tour Checklist Now, While It's Still Free

(Pick up your free checklist here.)

Watch for Part Three of this Series...Coming Soon